Subscriptions for 2022 2023 season  

Full subscription     Men          $185.00 incl levies and GST

Full subscription     Women     $185.00 incl levies and GST

Full student membership         Free - club to pay levies (Under 18)

Full Life membership               Free - club to pay levies​​​​​​​

Full over 80 membership         Free - club to pay levies (After 5 years)

Honorary membership             Free

Associate membership             $40.00

Social membership                  $40.00

Payment Options

Direct credit to                      Sumner Bowling Club account                                             

The membership categories are

Full Members

Full members are entitled to all the playing privileges and advantages of full membership of the Sumner bowling club, 'the club'.

Associate Members

Any full member of any other club affilated to Bowls NZ is eligible for admission as an Associate Member of the Club. Associate members are entitled to participate in the social and club house activities of the club and to play on the club's greens on such days as the Executive approves, but are not eligible to play in Club championship matches or to represent or play for the Club in any ouside competitions, or play for the Club in interclub competitions.

Student Members

Any person studying full time at any eductional institution is eligible and is entitled to the same playing and other privileges and advantages as Full Members.

Social Members

Any person not wanting to enjoy full membership status but wishing to enjoy an ongoing association with the Club may apply in writing to the Secretary for 'Social Membership' status with the club.

Information for Members


Resignations must be in the hands of the Secretary prior to the Annual General meeting in June each year.


Bowls used in competition must bear test stamps not earlier than 1982.


Phone Bowls Canterbury Info line 03 351 2225 to check for postponement or cancellation of interclub because of bad weather. Also check with the Club at which play is scheduled to ascertain if the green is open. Sometimes afternoon play can take place after a cancellation of morning play.

Conduct Of Club Competitions

The match committee has the power to make all arrangements and decisions necessary for the efficient running of the club competitions.

Bowling Dress

It is obligatory that all members playing in club championship on Saturday afternoons, on official club days, and in club championship finals, be dressed in club uniform. In special circumstances the Match Committee may waive these dress conditions. Members and visitors playing on Saturday afternoons but not in club championship games may dress in mufti if spare rinks are available.

Competition Notes

Men Championship singles and pairs are played on an arrange your own game basis, but must be played before the closing date marked on the draw sheet by the Match Committee. Fours and triples will be set down for Saturday play by the Match Committee, but games can be played before these dates. Check the noticeboard for dates of play. If Saturday play is lost because of bad weather or other reasons some Sunday play may be necessary.

Club Championships

Singles   4 bowls 21 shots up

Pairs      3 bowls 18 ends

Triples    2 bowls 18 ends

Fours     2 bowls 15 ends

Mixed Pairs

Mixed pairs will be played, and completed, in one day on Sunday 19th February 2023, reserve day TBA.


A substitute should be selected by the skip and submitted to the opposing team and the Match Committee before the game begins. The handicap system is to be used as a guide for selection.

Mixed Midweek Friendly Competition

Played on Tuesday afternoons on a home and away basis from October through to March, see the 'Progam' tab for dates and venues.

Thomas Shield - Men

Played on Wednesday afternoons on a home and away basis. Dress for both is to be tidy with whole or part club uniform. Check the Club notice board for selected teams and other information. See the 'program' tab for dates and venues.

Roll Up's

On Saturday afternoons when Club championships are being played the green is also available for roll up's, subject to rinks being available. Sunday and mid-week roll up's, unless the green is allocated for other events, can take place at any time the green is open.